it just gets in the way of my crafting time..and reading time! I have had to put my crafting and reading on the back burner for a bit to start prepping for graduation and All Night Grad party (which I am the chair for), putting our house on the market, and taking care of two new puppies.
I did get these photo announcements made and mailed out as well as the formal ones. In the next two weeks we have prom and then Graduation on the 16th with All Night Grad Party immediately following. I still have 10 graduation cards to make, a couple of presents to pick up, props for prom pictures to find, and prom favors to make. All the while taking care of the new pups, going to baseball games, and finalizing all the plans for All Night Grad Party.
I have made some nice graduation cards that I will share this week, so stay tuned!
What are you crafting today?
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